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Professional Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye examination is far more than simply reading letters on a chart.  Much can be learned from examining the eyes including diagnosis of various systemic disorders in addition to eye and vision abnormalities.x

Professional Children’s Eye Exams

Children are notorious for accepting blurred and distorted vision without complaint.  They have no basis for comparison and feel their eyesight, blurred as it may be, is normal.  In order to prevent a "lazy eye" from occurring or academic problems from developing have your child carefully examined.  


We offer the finest selection of frames and selection of lens designs available.   Come in and see our selection.   Come in and see our selection.

Contact Lens Fitting, Training and Follow-Up

Our office is prepared to solve with the most challenging contact lens situations.   Let us help you with your contact lens needs.

Treatment of Common Ocular Infections and Allergies

Our doctors can diagnose, treat and give relief from most eye infections,  dry eyes, ocular irritants and allergies.  

Frame Adjustments

Are your glasses uncomfortable.  Let us adjust them for maximum performance and comfort.

Frame Selection

We’ll help you select the frames that are right for your prescription and appearance.  Our staff is highly trained in helping to choose the right frame for your needs.  

Lasik Co-Management

Are you a good candidate?  Dr Eldridge will work with both you and the surgeon to obtain the best outcome only after all potential risks have been addressed and discussed.  Post lasik exams will detect whether additional treatment is necessary.

Glaucoma Testing

Glaucoma, if left untreated, can significantly and irreversibly lead to vision loss.  The symptoms can be easily overlooked.  Careful examination of the internal eye can detect this problem while it is treatable.   

Vision Field Examinations

The Visual fields test results are utilized to measure the full extent of the area visible to an eye that is looking straight ahead. These tests are used to identify and measure any loss of vision due to glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, tumors, strokes or eye trauma. Visual field testing can also be used to record “baseline” measurements against which future testing can be compared.

Post Cataract Co-Management

Cataracts are a common problem related to the aging eye.  Monitoring the progression of a cataract and having it extracted at the appropriate time is important in preventing accidents and maintaining an active lifestyle.

We offer a wide variety of services.  Read below in detail about each.